Meet the Team

Meet the Team

Meet Coach Kara
Head Coach, Owner/CEO, and Registered Dietitian
MS Nutrition and Dietetics, Registered and Licensed Dietitian, NASM-Certified Personal Trainer, 3+ Years of Functional Health Training

I’m Kara, a Functional Registered Dietitian and NASM-Certified Personal Trainer who understands that nutrition and fitness needs to take a holistic and individualized approach for YOUR goals and lifestyle. I struggled with finding true confidence and happiness in my body for years. From a young age, I started trying to lose weight and “improve my health” through all of the wrong methods. I tried every fad diet in the book during my college years and was working out twice per day, only to end up right back where I started in the first place. I was constantly spinning my wheels. Little did I know, I was putting my body in an even worse place for fat loss throughout all of those restrictive attempts. I then fell into a constant cycle of bingeing and restricting, which is where I felt myself hit rock-bottom. I had completely lost sight of who I was and my health, and it was time to take back control.
I finally reached out to a nutrition and fitness coach in January of 2018, and that changed my life forever. Having an unbiased eye who’s always one step ahead of you and can guide you through every step of the journey is a crucial component to your success. It wasn’t until I began weightlifting with intent and truly understanding just how much food my body needed to achieve my goals that I saw insane results. In the meantime, my relationship with food had improved ten-fold because I was now eating to fuel my body, learned that I can eat the foods I love and still see fat loss, and I learned to value my body for everything it does for me on a day to day basis. I found confidence, mental clarity, and strength in myself that I never imagined I could have.
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Throughout this journey, I’ve experienced the importance of having a coach and mentor. I also never want to see another woman have to struggle through what I went through to find true happiness and acceptance with herself. I failed at my nutrition and fitness journey over and over again, so you don’t have to.
Along this journey and throughout my years of experience coaching others, though, I began to realize that there was a lot more to this whole “fitness” thing than simply just exercise and nutrition. This is where my passion and education surrounding hormones, metabolism, and digestion came into play. As I started to run into my own hormonal issues after transitioning off of hormonal birth control, I noticed that some of my clients were struggling with these same items. So, I began to dig deeper, educating myself on functional nutrition and the role that our hormones and gut play in our body’s ability to not only look, but function and feel its best. Along with body composition and health goals, I now specialize in working with women who struggle with common hormonal and metabolic issues as PCOS, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, autoimmunity, and chronic digestive issues. I pride myself on not only being a coach who can help you handle your diet and exercise, but also, who looks at you as a whole person – from nutrition, to exercise, stress, sleep, energy, digestion, lifestyle factors, and internal health. When we work together, we dig deep!
When I’m not coaching and being a business owner – you can find me reading fiction, lifting heavy weights, hanging with my boyfriend and family, traveling all over the country to see my best friends, meditating + journaling, taking functional health courses and classes, bingeing my latest Netflix obsession, working on my self-development, talking to God, jamming to music, and spending time outside. Oh, and eating ice cream!
The feeling of waking up every single day and getting to live out my passion of helping people step into their power physically and mentally, along with taking control of their health, is the biggest blessing in my life. I’ve helped hundreds of women transform their lives through nutrition and fitness, and now it’s your turn. Our team is here to meet you exactly where you’re at, so you can feel supported, educated, and obtain results that last for a lifetime!

Meet Coach Raisa
Lead Assistant Registered Dietitian
MS Nutrition and Dietetics, Registered Dietitian, ISSA-Certified Personal Trainer, Pre and Postnatal Certified, Certified Online Nutrition and Fitness Coach (ONFC), 3+ Years of Functional Health Training

I’m Raisa, a Functional Registered Dietitian and ISSA-Certified Personal Trainer! I’ve personally experienced the challenges of nutrition and fitness, having struggled with weight and self-doubt in my young adult years. During my initial college years, I resorted to fad diets and excessive exercise, which only pushed me further from my goals.
In 2018, I made a pivotal decision to hire my first online coach, and it transformed my life. The accountability and genuine care I received from my coach was priceless. This experience not only helped me develop a healthier relationship with food and exercise, but also instilled self-belief in me!
Working with women, I noticed common issues, especially after coming off hormonal birth control. I encountered unexplained weight gain, brain fog, reduced libido, and the return of troublesome periods. This prompted me to delve deeper into functional health. I dedicated myself to learning about functional nutrition, appropriate exercise, and the interconnectedness of the body. I pursued mentorships, certifications, and ongoing education to empower women to address the root causes of their health issues rather than resorting to temporary solutions. Now, I specialize in women’s health, hormones, digestive dysfunction, pregnancy and postpartum, and fat loss / body composition goals!
Beyond my coaching role, I cherish spending time with my family and friends, traveling to new places, and reading! I’m a proud mother of a nine-month-old son, whose presence has been a life-changing experience. We enjoy leisurely walks and savoring delicious meals together!
I am incredibly excited and grateful to be part of this community and to help YOU reach your goals!